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Library News: December 1, 2023

Dear Reader:

What a wonderful time of year.  The weather is decidedly cooler, and, seemingly in response, folks are warming up…to the notion of celebration, festivities, and community.  On November 23rd, 24th and 25th the Vagabond Theatre in Binscarth, Mb, presented its latest production: The Secret Garden.  The play is based on the novel of the same title, by Frances Hodgson Burnett.  Attending a play at the Vagabond Theatre is an experience one never wearies of.  So much heart and skill is put into each production and the venue harkens back to a bygone era.  Long live the Vagabond Theatre in Binscarth.

December at Russell & District Regional Library is a time of special occasions, special exhibits, and special sights.  Stop in, see for yourself, and pick up a December Events Calendar.  For example, the Prairie Arts c’ARTel has unveiled its latest exhibit by Meredith Lavoie:  in the Library Gallery until December 31st.  The following is by the artist, about the artist.










Hello!  My name is Meredith Lavoie and I am from Foxwarren, Mb.  I have been painting for about 13 years.  My sister took up painting and I thought if she could do it, so could I!

My husband gave me a set of paints/easel/carry box for Christmas one year…and there they sat–for two years!  I didn’t have a clue how to start!  That was 13 years ago.

Taking one or two workshops a year, I slowly started learning.  Originally, I tried painting realistically, but that didn’t work so I have worked at painting “looser” and more abstractly.  It is a slow process and—It is a slow process especially if I only manage to do ONE work a year!  I try to achieve the “feeling,” more than the actual “look.”

I would love to do something every week, but it seems that life gets in the way.  I mostly paint with acrylic, but have also tried watercolour, some oil, and a bit of sketching.

I hope you enjoyed the pieces as much as I enjoyed doing them!









The Library Gallery has a fresh coat of paint thanks to the generous donation of paint by McMunn & Yates in Russell, and the hard work of c’ARTel members.

Another site worth seeing at the Russell Library Gallery is the newly ensconced mystery woman, dressed to dazzle, courtesy of Beth Naylor Historic Clothing Collection.

See you soon.

For more information on any of our events, please contact the Russell Library at 204-773-3127 / or Binscarth Library at 204-532-2447 / or message us on Facebook. Please visit our website at for more information.


Happy Reading, Until Next Time,

The Library Ladies