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Crossroads This Week: June 30, 2023

Here we are on the brink of Canada Day and a much-looked-forward-to long weekend.  Newly graduated high school students will soon be basking in the glow of accomplishment and looking ahead to Summer Holidays and Summer jobs.

In honour of Summer Holidays, Russell Library will be closed on Saturdays for the months of July and August.  In September, we will be open on Saturdays from 10am to 3pm once again.

NEW RUSSELL LIBRARY HOURS IN SEPTEMBER: Beginning in September, Russell Library will be changing Wednesday hours from 10am – 8pm to 1pm – 8pm and Thursday hours from 10am – 5pm to 1pm-8pm.

One of the reasons for the change in Library hours, come September, is to continue to accommodate our Wednesday Evening Events like Open Mic Night and various activities/entertainment as well as provide evening hours for RAVEN Book Club:  Evening Edition.  Book Club Hostess, Jessica Davies, will host the Evening RAVEN as well.  The time of the Evening Raven club meeting is yet to be confirmed.  To be announced.

Binscarth Library continues to flourish with New Patrons, Daycare Visits, Hot Dog Sales, Library Bingo, and a Book Draw.

New Books Week of July 4, 2023

  • 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson (Adult Non-Fiction)
  • Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson (Adult Non-Fiction)
  • Beach at Summerly: A Novel by Beatriz Williams (Adult Fiction)
  • Promise of Forgiveness by Jo Ann Brown (Inspirational Fiction)
  • Echo into Darkness by Skye Genaro (Teen Fiction)

Please visit us at Russell Library, 339 Main Street North in Russell; Binscarth Library, 106 Russell Street in Binscarth; on our website;

Russell Facebook/ Binscarth Facebook; @yoursmalltownlibrary on Instagram.

Russell Library Telephone: (204)773-3127 Binscarth Library Telephone: (204) 532-2447