“My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with sheer indefatigability, makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor.”—Andrew Tate
Perspicacity: the quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness.
Indefatigability: Tirelessness; persistence; stamina.
Once upon a time, long ago, there were two friends. Now, these friends were not just any kind of friends: they were bird friends. One bird was an Eagle and the other was an Owl. The Eagle’s name was Hawk-eye and the Owl’s name was Ophelia. Hawk-eye and Ophelia were the unlikeliest of friends because, you see, Eagles hunt during the day and Owls hunt during the night. How they met will remain a forever mystery. But, meet they did, and, they loved each other almost immediately. What follows is the story of Hawk-eye the Eagle.
Hawk-eye was young: a Juvenile Bald Eagle. For his age, Hawk-eye was perspicacious and, because of his age, he was indefatigable. When all the other Eagles were asleep, Hawkeye would roam the skies with Ophelia, enjoying the different perspective of the world at night. And, oh! the delicacies he found when hunting at night too. During one of Hawk-eye’s daylight flights, he came across a shiny round sliver of silver, knowing Ophelia would like the way it shone in the moonlight, Hawkeye tucked it away into his wing feathers. A few evenings later, Hawk-eye the Eagle was on his way to visit Ophelia the Owl, shiny round sliver of silver tucked tightly under his wing. The glorious sun was setting in the Manitoba sky when, from two miles above the earth, Hawk-eye saw a rat poke his head around a fence post. Just like that! Hawk-eye plummeted toward the rat. Dinner for two on his mind. At the very last split send Hawkeye the Eagle saw the wire fence and tried to bank to the left. Too late. Hawkeye’s wing was caught. As he struggled, he only became more entangled in the wires. Finally, as the sun went down and the sky grew dark, Hawk-eye lay still and waited. Hawk-eye knew that Ophelia would come…
The End
For Ophelia’s side of the story, please visit our website, https://russellbinscarthlibrary.ca, after March 21st, 2023.
Hawk-eye the Eagle and Ophelia the Owl are living happily ever after at the Russell & District Regional Library Gallery.
Also available at the Library is an Optical Magnifier for public use by anyone looking to achieve Hawk-eye vision.
Please visit us on Facebook and Instagram @yoursmalltownlibrary. Telephone: 204-773-3127