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Library News: April 12, 2024

Dear Reader:

Russell & District Regional Library Gallery is flaunting a new art exhibit.  Thank you, Prairie Arts c’ARTel for providing such groovy art every six weeks or so.  Our Library Gallery is worth making a special trip to Russell for.  Be sure to sign the c’ARTel’s guest book when you visit the gallery.  Supporting local artists may be as important as supporting local farmers.  Farmers help feed the body; artists help feed the soul. 

In the artist’s own words, the following is a brief biography of the artist currently on display in the gallery.

My name is Tara Leach (she/her) and I live, work, and create on Treaty 2 Territory in Brandon, MB. I was born in Swan River, grew up in Dauphin, and studied at Brandon University, McMaster University and University of Manitoba. I have put brush to canvas and eye to camera for decades but began publicly exhibiting my art in 2011. I teach Visual Arts at Ecole Secondaire Neelin High school, where I have been encouraging teenagers to find their creative voices for over 20 years. To learn more about me and peruse more of my art, visit my website at

Mirror 13

Artist Statement This body of work is called Mirror 13, comprised of thirteen self-portraits created over as many years. The works use a range of media and visual languages to depict various moments in time and ways of thinking about being myself, being a woman, and how I might/must engage with the world. My navigation and interrogation of the cultural, spiritual, and personal forces that shape me, what I share and what I hide, and an artist’s delight in the surface of things are all prevalent these works.

Why do I make so many self-portraits? Because the construction of identity continues as long as life does; because I encounter my reflection every day and can’t help but notice its transformation over time; and, because I yearn to reconcile my everyday face with my timeless soul.

Other exciting library news:  we have a date set for our first Hot Dog Sale of the season.  Our kick-off to the season of hotdogs, popcorn, and farmers market is to be held in honour of our mothers.  From 11-2 on Friday, May 10, 2024.  Plan to come and treat the mother in your life to a delicious Harvest hotdog prepared and served in Friendly Manitoba style by library board and staff members otherwise known as Team Library. 

Not only do we have hot dog sales, the Russell & District Regional Library also lends a wide selection of books in print, and audio form.  Would you like a library card to go with your hot dog?  Just let us know! We look forward to serving you soon. 

For an excellent selection of books stop in and visit us in Binscarth Library and Russell Library.  For more information on any of our events, please contact the Russell Library at 204-773-3127 / or Binscarth Library at 204-532-2447 / or message us on Facebook. Please visit our website at for more information. 

Happy Reading, Until Next Time,

The Library Ladies