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Library News: March 8th, 2024

Dear Reader:

Dear March – Come in –

How glad I am –

I hoped for you before –

Put down your Hat –

You must have walked –

How out of Breath you are –

Dear March, how are you, and the Rest –

Did you leave Nature well –

Oh March, come right upstairs with me –

I have so much to tell –


I got your letter, and the Birds –

The Maples never knew that you were coming –

I declare – how Red their Faces grew –

But March, forgive me –

All those Hills you left for me to Hue –

There was no Purple suitable –

You took it all with you –


Who knocks? That April –

Lock the Door

I will not be pursued –

He stayed away a Year to call

When I am occupied –

But trifles look so trivial

As soon as you have come


That Blame is just as dear as Praise

And Praise as Mere as Blame –

            Emily Dickinson, 1874

            The Poems of Emily Dickinson:

            Edited by R.W. Franklin


Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May

The Women by Kristin Hanna

The Princess Spy: The True Story of WWII Spy Aline Griffith by Larry Loftis

A new Detective Series by Icelandic Author, Arnaldur Indridason

The above poem and book titles are just a few new additions to Your Small-Town Library’s shelves.  Call, come on in or visit us on our social media sites/webpage to find out more about what we have to offer on our shelves and at our library.

On Monday, March 4th, we had to do the unthinkable and close on what would otherwise be a regular business day.  This, due to something the Elders used to call a Montana Clipper, (a winter storm blown in from down Montana way). 

On Tuesday Evening, Library Manager, Christine Podollan spoke at the United Church Women’s Meeting.  The following is an excerpt from her talk:

Managing the library here is a kind of dream job for me, you see.  To be surrounded by books and to make it my business to share and encourage a love for books and where books live … let me just say, God works in mysterious ways.  Of course, there is more to a library, and the management of one, than simply Books.  So much more!  When I was hired, a key directive was to promote the library. 

Promotion of the library takes on many appearances.  Creating and hosting events is only one way we find to promote the library.  Spreading the news that we can bring in books from libraries all over Manitoba and that we happily purchase books for our shelves based upon requests by Patrons are a couple of ways, for example.

Every week, we submit a newspaper article to Crossroads This Week, as well as The Russell Banner.  The Banner article is signed:  The Library Ladies.  The Library Ladies is more than a moniker.  The Library Ladies is an attitude, a team and a force for good in the community. 

For an excellent selection of books stop in and visit us in Binscarth Library and Russell Library.  For more information on any of our events, please contact the Russell Library at 204-773-3127 / or Binscarth Library at 204-532-2447 / or message us on Facebook. Please visit our website at for more


Happy Reading, Until Next Time,

The Library Ladies