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Library News: December 22, 2023

Dear Reader:

On Wednesday evening, December 13th, Kolby Clunas sang for us in the Russell Library Gallery.  Kolby sings like an angel.  She opens her mouth and beautiful sound comes out, seemingly without effort.  This is in stark contrast to what so often appears to be an almost painful feat for some singers.  Kolby is a delightfully pleasant and gracious young lady with a ready smile and quick laugh, that is also refreshingly humble.  I mean, how it is that she is not filling stadiums with a voice like hers, I’ll never know.  To top it all off, not only does Miss Clunas know how to belt out a tune, but she also composes her own lyrics and music and plays and sings with her guitar(s).  My understanding of being able to sing and play a guitar at the same time is that it’s a special skill.  It’s one thing to sing and another thing to play guitar, but to do both together well for an audience…it’s monumental!  Over half of the songs Kolby performed were her own creation, borne out of her own imagination and life experience.  If you ever get a chance to go and listen to Kolby perform, please do.  Kolby is a lovely performer and a groovy gal!  Thank you, Kolby, for taking the time to treat us to great and original live music at your small-town library.  This does not happen every day my friends! It just doesn’t. 

On Saturday afternoon, December 16th, Russell Library Gallery was the scene of another, albeit quite different, musical event.  Miss Alissa’s Piano Students treated audience members to their annual recital.  In case you don’t know what a piano recital is:  it’s like a final exam except you can’t use a pencil and eraser, there’s a room full of people watching you, you’re dressed up and your shoes might be uncomfortable/your tights itchy, people are also taking videos and photos and you’ve been practicing for a really long time but you’re still excruciatingly worried that you’ll forget the most important notes.  In a nutshell, it’s wonderful and terrible and you’re thrilled when you finish, and the room fills with applause.  Thank you, Miss Alissa for choosing the Russell & District Regional Library Gallery as your venue.

The following is an excerpt from one of Kolby’s most recently written songs (a work in progress she told us).

Let Me Have My Peace


Let me have my peace.  You set me free, the moment you said hello to a girl who wasn’t me.  Let me have my peace.  You call me birdie for a reason.  You catch a glimpse and then I’m gone. Let me have my peace. Open the cage and then I’m gone.  Let me have my peace.

–Kolby Clunas

As this article winds to a close, if you listen very closely, perhaps you will her guitar gently weep on the wind whispering its way on wings across the prairie. 

For more information on any of our events, please contact the Russell Library at 204-773-3127 / or Binscarth Library at 204-532-2447 / or message us on Facebook. Please visit our website at for more information.

Happy Reading, Until Next Time,

The Library Ladies