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The Russell Banner – June 13, 2023

Dear Reader,

This week’s article is brought to you from the unique perspectives of Russell/Binscarth Library’s Summer Student, Madison Haliuk and Russell Library’s Librarian/RAVEN Book Club hostess, Jessica Davies, respectively.

Summer is in full swing at Russell/Binscarth Library and so it is that Summer Student, Madison Haliuk has been as busy as a bee.  Madison’s reputation precedes her and, thankfully, she lives up to her reputation as a hardworking, pleasant, and trustworthy team player.
Jessica Davies has been Librarian Extraordinaire for close to a year now.  Jessica is an integral part of Team Library as a hardworking, kind, creative lover of books.

Hi, my name is Madison Haliuk and I am currently the Summer Student here at Russell/ Binscarth Library.  I have been assigned the enjoyable task of beautification of the grounds at both the Binscarth and the Russell Library branch. So far I have mowed lawns and weeded, planted petunias and gladiolas.  The petunias are showing off all of their pink, red and mauve splendor already.  Soon, gladiolas will be showing themselves off too!  We look forward to having a vase of gladiolas on our front desk for Patrons to enjoy from inside the Library toward Autumn.

My other contributions include, but are not limited to, watering the flower beds, I have weeded and edged the Tulip Garden at the Binscarth Library and groundskeeping will be ongoing all summer long; program/events planning, Librarian Assistant and last, but not least, I work the Library Hot Dog Sales in Binscarth and the Russell Library Farmer’s Market.  The June 1st Binscarth Library Hotdog Sale sold out of hotdogs in the first half hour.  Even so, Binscarthians were so supportive and patient that they went on to purchase a record breaking 80 hotdogs.  I am already looking forward to next Thursday and Friday.  Since working at Russell/Binscarth Library last Summer, the Library has added cupcakes and popcorn to its menu.  I strongly encourage you visit the library for the books, the friendly Librarians, the yummy treats and, my favorite:  in the Library Gallery:   there is a painting of a Golden Retriever and I love it because it is a legit Golden Retriever.

Hello, Jessica here.  RAVEN book club is winding down for the summer, and as I take a moment to reflect on our time together:  books we’ve devoured, conversations we’ve shared, delicious dainties we’ve savored, I know I will surely and sadly miss our beautiful group these next few months. Since beginning RAVEN in January, our club has grown in numbers, reaching eighteen women. How exciting! Our meetings are held each Monday from 1:30-2:30pm, and recently, the library has been receiving feedback from patrons and community members alike, about the possibility of hosting the club in the evenings for folks who cannot attend Monday afternoon. We are in the planning stages of offering a second time slot on Thursday evenings for anyone interested in joining RAVEN book club this fall – stay tuned for more details.
One of the many things I love about our club, is the wide variety of books that we are enjoying. From Classic novels like, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and Adult Fiction books such as, The Diplomat’s Wife by Pam Jenoff, and The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. Our ever-growing list of books that we choose from on our ‘To Be Read Shelf’ will continue to evolve and feed our insatiable love of reading books.

I have made some very special connections with the women in our club and feel immense gratitude for how easy going everyone is, and the fun memories we have created together. I look forward to starting up again in September, in the meantime, keep reading! If you need me, I will be sitting in the shade, sparkling water in hand, and slowly soaking up every page of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.

Happy Reading, Until Next Time,
The Library Ladies

Please visit us at Russell Library, 339 Main Street North in Russell; Binscarth Library, 106 Russell Street in Binscarth; on our website;
Russell Facebook/ Binscarth Facebook; @yoursmalltownlibrary on Instagram.
Russell Library Telephone: (204)773-3127 Binscarth Library Telephone: (204) 532-2447